Who is Mat & Table made for?

Do you like great food? How about yoga? Wine? Us too. Pack your weekend bag & come along!

Where is Mat & Table located?

Mat & Table is set in charming destination towns within driving distance of Melbourne. Each accommodation is carefully chosen to provide the best experience for our guests.

Can I come by myself? What about with mates or a partner?

Absolutely. Mat & Table makes for a wonderful solo adventure or a great getaway for mates, partners, & mini groups. Upon booking, we’ll ask if you’re traveling with anyone to ensure we find the best room arrangement for you.

What does my booking include?

All of the great food, wine, yoga & accommodation for the weekend, plus any activities on the itinerary.

Am I able to cancel if something comes up?

We know life happens. You are able cancel up to1 month before and receive a refund (minus your 25% deposit). All cancellations made within 1 month of the getaway will not be refunded.

Will there be time to visit the area we are staying?

We leave a block of hours on Saturday for you to explore the town or use in whatever way you choose. If this a high priority for you, we highly recommend arriving to town early or staying after ‘check out’ to further explore so you’re not rushed.

What should I pack?

  • Yoga mat (essential)

  • Enough yoga clothes for 4 practices

  • Something you feel simply fantastic in for our first night's dinner!

  • A reusable water bottle

  • Comfy clothes- so you can feel right at home

  • Sneakers/sandals should you wish to take a hike or explore the town

  • All other getaway essentials (phone charger, necessary medication, etc)

I've never done yoga, but this sounds fun. Can I join?

All levels are welcome to Mat & Table. If you're new to yoga, we recommend taking a few classes prior to booking to ensure you love it & so you can start to develop your practice. This way you’ll also enjoy your getaway that much more!

What type of yoga & how much can I expect?

Each getaway is a bit different, however we offer an opportunity to practice everyday. As an example, at Mat & Table ‘Escape to the Country’ we hosted a Friday 60 minute flow upon arrival, Saturday morning 90 minute flow, Saturday afternoon 90 minute yin, & Sunday morning 60 minute slow flow. As any activity on the itinerary, yoga practices are optional if you just want to sleep in one day!

Do I need to be super serious about yoga?

Nope, but having done a few yoga practices prior to will definitely make it more enjoyable for you! Also, at Mat & Table, there are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ yogis. We believe yoga is not about how flexible you are or how long you can balance on one foot.

What will we be drinking?

A thoughtfully curated selection of local, boutique wines. Trust us, we taste a lot of wines in order to pick a beautiful selection for you. Selfless of us… we know.

We also know how to whip up a few cocktails & will have some local beers available if that's your preference!

What if I don't drink alcohol?

Totally cool. Top up with our non-alcoholic drink options like kombucha, sodas, juices, tea & coffee. Please note, prices are not reduced for non-drinking guests.

I have a special food requirement/allergy. Will there be food for me?

With enough notice, we can cater for vegan, vegetarian, GF, allergies, & expecting mums. Just let us know as soon as you book, so our chefs can prepare great options for you!

I have a question that’s not on this list. Can you help me out?

Of course! Reach out anytime via the “Say Hello!” tab.